Deep Roots:
deep embodiment through
movement and writing
A one day women’s retreat using 5Rhythms
moving meditation and Life Source Writing™ with Anne Marie Hogya and Lynda Monk
- Being rooted takes focus, intention and strength. If you think about a root it grows more deeply as it seeks out the source of its sustenance. The more we are fed by what we need, the stronger we become. Being rooted in ourselves serves not only to ground us but also to help us grow.
- When we take time for rejuvenation and reflection, as well as listening deeply to the wisdom of the body, we have an opportunity to access our inner clarity, knowledge and intuition. When we set our intention to fully embody ourselves we can find and feel a deeper presence that is guided from within us.
- With moving our bodies using the 5Rhythms® practice and our pens through the Life Source Writing™ reflective journaling process we can deeply embody ourselves. We can explore our lives in new ways and have an opportunity to cultivate our ground and foundation. We can take time to accept and honour who we are and who we are becoming.
What past participants have said:
“I think the idea of combining movement and writing is magical!”
“Wonderfully enlightening…both of you had a soft, compassionate style of instruction that made it easy to relax, open up and feel accepted and comfortable.”
“This is a fantastic combination (writing and 5Rhythms) truly inspired!”
“Thank you for creating a safe space for encouraging and supporting self-expression. Your words and actions together are a brilliant combination.”
“I loved the whole day from start to finish! The writing combined with motion was so healing. What a team you ladies are. Thank you!”
“Wonderful healing, open hearted space, created by two passionate, loving women holding the belief in all women to find themselves and heal.”
*This workshop is open to women with any body (any size, shape, fitness level, age). No previous writing, movement, 5Rhythms® or other experience is needed. All that is required is a sense of curiosity, openness, and willingness to move and write.
Please join us as we come together for inspiration, creativity and cultivation of our deep roots.
Next Deep Roots Retreat: Date tba (Fall 2018),
Retreat Locations: Salt Spring Island or Victoria, BC
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Deep Roots Retreat Facilitators:
Lynda Monk, MSW, RSW, CPCC, Writing for Wellness Coach, regularly speaks and teaches about the transformational and healing power of expressive writing. She is the author Life Source Writing™ & co-author of Writing Alone Together.
Anne Marie Hogya, MA, BScOT is an Occupational Therapist and certified 5Rhythms® facilitator who teaches local and international workshops using movement as a tool for transformational change.