Increase Self-Awareness, Gain Clarity & Create Results for You & Your Clients

Yes! Please send my FREE kit now!
Your privacy matters. Your information will never be shared or sold.
You will also receive my Creative Wellness Museletter that offers ongoing transformational journaling
prompts, ideas and inspiration. Write from the heart, Lynda
Do you recommend journaling to your clients?
Are you looking for fresh ideas and inspiration for your own journaling or writing practice?
Are you curious about the healing benefits and transformational power of expressive writing?
Would you like to write to know, grow and care for yourself but you’re not sure how to get started?
Do you want proven tips and techniques for integrating journaling into your life
and your transformational work with clients?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, or maybe you
just like to receive free gifts “just because” then…
Download your FREE Transformational Journaling Kit which includes the following:

- 4 Key Ways Journaling Can Help Coaches, Helpers & Healers Thrive & Have Greater Impact with Clients
- Bullet Point 10 Transformational Journaling Tips: A Quick Reference Guide
- Write Now: 40 Inspiring Journal Writing Prompts & Exercises
- Finding Joy Within Transformational Journaling Tool
- Plus, there are over 20 expert quotes from writers and change agents within this kit to inspire you both on and off the page!
- BONUS: Transformational Journaling: Self-Awareness for Coaches and Clients Article from recent issue of Choice Magazine
Get your favourite journal and fast moving pens ready, this Free Kit will make you feel like writing!
This FREE Transformational Journaling Kit will also give you lots of inspiration, information and tools for bringing journaling into your meaningful work with clients.

Yes! Please send my FREE kit now!
Your privacy matters. Your information will never be shared or sold.
You will also receive my Creative Wellness Museletter that offers ongoing transformational
journaling prompts, ideas and inspiration. Write from the heart, Lynda

Lynda Monk
Writing for Wellness Coach,
Speaker & Author
Lynda Monk, MSW, RSW, CPCC is a Registered Social Worker and a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach with a speciality in therapeutic journaling and expressive writing for self-care, burnout prevention, reflective practice and renewal for helping, healing and health professionals.
She is the co-author of Writing Alone Together: Journalling in a Circle of Women for Creativity, Compassion and Connection, as well as co-author of the international bestseller Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness. She is also the author of Life Source Writing™: A Reflective Journaling Practice for Self-Discovery, Self-Care, Wellness and Creativity, plus producer of the Creative Wellness Guided Meditations CD.
As founder of Creative Wellness, Lynda is an experienced workshop, course and retreat facilitator for both live events and online coaching programs. She has supported thousands of individuals to write for increased well-being, self-care, self-discovery, clarity and success. She lives with her family on Salt Spring Island, BC where she tries her best to write every day. Learn more at CreativeWellnessWorks.com
The Heart of Coaching Giveaway runs from
Tuesday February 14th through Tuesday March 7 and ends at midnight (EST).
All "The Heart of Coaching Giveaway" contributors are independent business owners, and are operating with,
but SEPARATELY from the "Heart of Coaching Giveaway" promotion.