Wholistic, educational, inclusive – I am taking real tools and excitement about expanding my practice.
In 2000, Lynda Monk came to my office and we talked on bringing her in on a trial basis to offer training courses related to how stress affected not only fire fighters but their families. Having sat through these presentations before and at first going in with a pre-conceived notion that it wouldn’t be of any use to me, I knew that it might be a hard sell to the fire fighters. That first session we had 25 fire fighters present. Three hours later, they were all sold on her approach to the issue and looked forward to her next sessions. We now run at least one session per year utilizing Creative Wellness and they are one of the highest attended training courses. Lynda Monk is very approachable, likeable and down-to-earth. She can communicate readily at any level, thus my fire fighters really appreciate her sessions.